Mini-Golf Build and Food Donation / AAA NCNU / Lori

The aaa logo on a white background.

Our Mini-Golf Build was very organized. Our team leader was awesome! She kept the energy and interest levels high Working together in small groups to problem-solve was a great teambuilding exercise. Our group enjoyed the activities and charitable aspect of the program. They were major highlights of the event. The most fun was giving all […]

Build-a-Guitar / Salesforce / Shirley

The salesforce logo on a white background.

We have done your Build-a-Guitar program in the past, and I have recommended you to other groups. The best part of our Build-a-Guitar event was watching the teams work together and laugh and have fun! The event was very organized and your staff had everything laid out and set-up in an orderly fashion for our […]

Build-a-Wheelchair / Subaru of America / Sherry

The subaru logo on a white background.

Everyone enjoyed this event as an action-packed, competitive and FUN event. They enjoyed answering the questions to obtain the many items on the build-out list and the collaboration of our remote teams into one cohesive unit was great fun! We loved working with your lead facilitator and her staff went out of their way to […]

Bike Build Donation / Hilton Hotels / Judy

The hilton logo on a white background.

Thank you so much for our event. I was expecting it would go well but the outcome was outstanding. This is a tough group but you had them in the palm of your hand from the warm up games, the build off, to the children coming in to collect their bikes. We couldn’t have asked […]