Why Emotional Intelligence is Vital to High-Performing Teams

A hand holding a scale with a heart and a brain on it, representing the concept of emotional intelligence.

In business as in sports, high-performing teams aren’t built on talent alone. While a certain level of individual talent is an essential element, teams that ultimately win championships—or outperform the competition in business—have talented members who work together and collaborate as a cohesive group. And the key element in creating that collaboration is emotional intelligence, or EQ.

How to Maximize Team Cohesion with Different Personalities and Work Styles

A handshake drawn in chalk on a blackboard.

The key to unlocking the high-performance potential of diverse teams is skilled management. Without the right tools in place for managers to understand and address the different personalities, perspectives, and work styles of team members, there are significant risks of dissatisfaction, dysfunction, and eventually employee turnover. Here are several tools, processes, and programs that can help managers optimize the collaboration, cohesion, and performance of diverse work teams.

Four Ways Team Building Makes New Employees More Productive, Faster

A businessman making new employees productive, talking on the phone in front of a wall with the word productivity written on it.

One of the best ways to get new employees productive more quickly is to find a way to get them acquainted with the people they’ll be working with most closely. This will enable them to communicate more effectively with each coworker and avoid missteps or misunderstandings. And the best way to accomplish that is through team building!

How to Teach Collaboration Through Competition

Scrabble, the beloved word game, cultivates an atmosphere of intense competition while fostering collaboration among players.

How do competitive team building activities provide value to organizations? How can they be used to teach collaboration? And how can team building combine competition with collaboration to deliver the “best of both worlds”?