Four Ways Team Building Makes New Employees More Productive, Faster

A businessman making new employees productive, talking on the phone in front of a wall with the word productivity written on it.

One of the best ways to get new employees productive more quickly is to find a way to get them acquainted with the people they’ll be working with most closely. This will enable them to communicate more effectively with each coworker and avoid missteps or misunderstandings. And the best way to accomplish that is through team building!

How Team Building Jumpstarts Employee Morale

Silhouettes of people jumping in the air at sunset, promoting team building and boosting employee morale.

The fun team building programs we’ve delivered lately, whether they’re charity-focused or competitive events, have reunited people. Face-to-face is exciting. It’s rejuvenating. It’s folks getting to see and associate with each other in three dimensions again. Here are three ways team building positively impacts employee morale.

5 Tips for Keeping Remote Teams Connected

A chalkboard with the word together drawn on it, keeping remote teams connected.

We thought back to our fundamentals of bringing groups together and team building, to figure out the key points for connection in a virtual world. This left us with our 5 best tips to consider for keeping remote teams connected.

Hone your Team’s Communication and Active Listening Skills

Communication and active listening will never go out of style! Here’s an excellent team icebreaker that will boost essential traits that successful companies and teams reflect! Me, Myself and I Purpose: Participants see how often their communication is centered on themselves. Use this when: Individuals need to improve their communication skills to focus less on […]