How Team Building Creates More Effective Teams

A team of people sitting at a table in front of a laptop, engaging in team building activities to create more effective teams.

Team building helps teams to be more effective and productive. Regardless of how long each individual member of a team has been employed in the organization, any time a new team is formed there are phases it will pass through before reaching full productivity.

Teamwork or Team Relationships?

We explain the difference between a team When it comes to winning teams, what do you think is more important, good teamwork or good team relationships? I know what you’re thinking: “They go hand in hand of course?!” Not necessarily, I’ll explain a bit further! In all facets of sports and business, there is bound to […]

Hone your Team’s Communication and Active Listening Skills

Communication and active listening will never go out of style! Here’s an excellent team icebreaker that will boost essential traits that successful companies and teams reflect! Me, Myself and I Purpose: Participants see how often their communication is centered on themselves. Use this when: Individuals need to improve their communication skills to focus less on […]