How Every Employee Can Benefit from Leadership Training

A man is delivering a presentation on the benefits of leadership training to a group of people in an office.

Leadership training isn’t just for leaders. If your organization is thinking about leadership training too narrowly, you could be missing out on big opportunities to improve communication, collaboration, and productivity across your enterprise.

The Four Roles of an Effective Team Building Facilitator

An illustration of an effective team building facilitator juggling hats.

An effective team building facilitator is able to transition through several distinct roles very quickly, ultimately going from initially being the focus to transitioning to making the team members the focus seamlessly. Here are four essential roles that the facilitator progresses through during the course of the team building exercise.

Conflict Resolution Activity: Avoid the Blame Game

A cartoon of two businessmen fighting over a child.

A quick conflict resolution activity We are often quick to point the finger when there are group problems. You can’t build effective teams while being surrounded by people who blame others for their failures, whether at work or at home, can leave you prone to do the same. Interestingly, odds are the reason those people […]