How to Build and Maintain High-Performing Teams

A man is analyzing a graph with an upward arrow, demonstrating the success of his high performing team.

In today’s tight labor market and challenging economic environment, it’s more vital than ever to not only attract great employees but also keep them engaged. So what’s the secret to building and maintaining extraordinary teams?

Two Types of Team Building Takeaways

During team building activities, participants experience challenges, camaraderie, recognition, and fun. But what do they take away? After the shared laughter and the high-fives, what do they bring back home and to the workplace from that experience?

How to Maximize Team Cohesion with Different Personalities and Work Styles

A handshake drawn in chalk on a blackboard.

The key to unlocking the high-performance potential of diverse teams is skilled management. Without the right tools in place for managers to understand and address the different personalities, perspectives, and work styles of team members, there are significant risks of dissatisfaction, dysfunction, and eventually employee turnover. Here are several tools, processes, and programs that can help managers optimize the collaboration, cohesion, and performance of diverse work teams.

Team Building Your Way – The Value of Needs Assessment and Program Customization

A hand holding a calculator, with emphasis on team building program customization through careful examination and analysis.

Team building provides many benefits in improving organizational cohesion and productivity. But what if you have very specific goals or objectives in mind, and none of the activities offered are a perfect fit? That’s where needs assessment and program customization come in, designing and delivering an event that meets your specific requirements.

How Every Employee Can Benefit from Leadership Training

A man is delivering a presentation on the benefits of leadership training to a group of people in an office.

Leadership training isn’t just for leaders. If your organization is thinking about leadership training too narrowly, you could be missing out on big opportunities to improve communication, collaboration, and productivity across your enterprise.

How Team Building Creates More Effective Teams

A team of people sitting at a table in front of a laptop, engaging in team building activities to create more effective teams.

Team building helps teams to be more effective and productive. Regardless of how long each individual member of a team has been employed in the organization, any time a new team is formed there are phases it will pass through before reaching full productivity.

Four Ways Team Building Makes New Employees More Productive, Faster

A businessman making new employees productive, talking on the phone in front of a wall with the word productivity written on it.

One of the best ways to get new employees productive more quickly is to find a way to get them acquainted with the people they’ll be working with most closely. This will enable them to communicate more effectively with each coworker and avoid missteps or misunderstandings. And the best way to accomplish that is through team building!

How Team Building Jumpstarts Employee Morale

Silhouettes of people jumping in the air at sunset, promoting team building and boosting employee morale.

The fun team building programs we’ve delivered lately, whether they’re charity-focused or competitive events, have reunited people. Face-to-face is exciting. It’s rejuvenating. It’s folks getting to see and associate with each other in three dimensions again. Here are three ways team building positively impacts employee morale.