How to Maximize Team Cohesion with Different Personalities and Work Styles

A handshake drawn in chalk on a blackboard.

The key to unlocking the high-performance potential of diverse teams is skilled management. Without the right tools in place for managers to understand and address the different personalities, perspectives, and work styles of team members, there are significant risks of dissatisfaction, dysfunction, and eventually employee turnover. Here are several tools, processes, and programs that can help managers optimize the collaboration, cohesion, and performance of diverse work teams.

Hone your Team’s Communication and Active Listening Skills

Communication and active listening will never go out of style! Here’s an excellent team icebreaker that will boost essential traits that successful companies and teams reflect! Me, Myself and I Purpose: Participants see how often their communication is centered on themselves. Use this when: Individuals need to improve their communication skills to focus less on […]

The Power of Teams – Amazing Things Can Happen

A group of people posing for a picture in a room.

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock Have you seen this article about some of the world records officially broken this year? It’s a beautiful testament to the power of team building; when a group of people serve a singular purpose, amazing things can happen! Case […]

Learning from Lucas – Helping Teams Through Company Mergers

An escalator in a large building with many floors.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” -Henry Ford The acquisition of LucasFilm by Disney has been a hot topic of discussion lately; though some are most interested in the creative future of a certain film series set “in a galaxy far, far away,” many are also arguing about […]